Thursday 01.29.15
My FAVORITE time of year! The CrossFit Games begins at the end of February. I encourage you all to participate with me and your coaches. 626 will be doing the Open workouts during the Saturday classes, and judge registered athletes after Saturday morning classes. You don’t need to be the best; just like the class workouts, anyone can do them. It’s a great way to see where you sit with the rest of the world, and to push yourself further than you’ve ever imagined.
Open registration will begin on Jan. 15. More than 209,000 people participated in the Open last year, and this year the worldwide competition will be even broader and more inclusive. Scaled versions of the Open workouts will make their debut, as well as a new Teenage Division for athletes 14-17 years old.
The first Open workout will be released on Thursday, Feb. 26. As in previous years, the Open will be a five-week competition with one new workout per week. The week’s workout will be released each Thursday at 5 p.m. PT, and competitors will have four days to complete the workout and log their score on the Games site. Score submissions will be due before 5 p.m. PT on the Monday following the workout’s release.
The Open
Feb. 26-March 30, 2015
15.1: Feb. 26 -March 2
15.2: March 5-9
15.3: March 12-16
15.4: March 19-23
15.5: March 26-30
The Masters Qualifier will begin on Thursday, April 23. The world’s top 200 masters athletes in each age division in the Open will be automatically entered into the Masters Qualifier. Like last year, the qualifier will be a four-day online competition. The workouts will be released at 5 p.m. PT on Thursday, April 23, and the competitors will have until 5 p.m. PT on Monday, April 27, to submit their scores. The top 20 athletes in each age division at the end of the qualifier will be invited to compete in the Masters Competition at the CrossFitGames.
The Masters Qualifier
April 23-27, 2015
WO: Lunges / TGU / Planks; Burpees / Renegade Rows