Friday 8.31.12
Our Free Saturday 8am Community WOD will be held at our location on Fair Oaks Ave ________________________________________________________ Reminder: There will only be ONE members class on Monday 9/3/12: at 9am… …
Our Free Saturday 8am Community WOD will be held at our location on Fair Oaks Ave ________________________________________________________ Reminder: There will only be ONE members class on Monday 9/3/12: at 9am… …
I’m fairly strict with my nutrition- love my green veggies and almond butter… HOWEVER, some of you know about my sweet tooth (Cavemen ate chocolate- don’t argue with me), and…
T-SHIRTS!! The rest of the 626 Grey Tshirt orders have arrived, so if you have not picked up your pre-ordered shirt OR if you’d like to purchase another shirt,…
So, one of the cool aspects of CrossFit is the ability to throw down with your peeps on a daily basis- to compete in a game of who’s faster, who’s…
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Mount Wilson trail run Sunday morning. It was a great test of strength and endurance powering up, and up, and up the…
Big congrats to Jeff Q. for passing his CrossFit Level 1 coaching certification last weekend…awesome work Coach JQ! _____________________________________________ Our Saturday 8am Free Community WOD will be held at our…
Endurance Class- It’s back! We will be starting our next endurance program on Wednesday September 5th! This program will focus on training for and improving your 5k time and will…
Yoga starts tonight and is open to all 626ers with unlimited membership. Come in and get your zen on! (Background barbells and loud music promised to complete the “CrossFitter’s Yoga”…
Holy cow- egg yolks are almost as bad as smoking??? If you didn’t see the headlines last week, a new observational study was published in the journal Atherosclerosis comparing egg…
Saturday’s yoga workshop was a hit! In the words of KStar, in order to keep you a “supple leopard”, we will now be offering Yoga class on Wednesday nights at…
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